
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Mickey's No So Scary Halloween Party - Part 3

See Part 1 and Part 2 of our MNSSHP experience.

As soon as the parade ended, we headed for Main Street to see the Princesses and their Princes meeting at Town Square Theater

On our way our of Liberty Square, though, we spotted Tiana and Naveen at their gazebo and there wasn't anyone in line. We even asked if it was open because the first time we met Tiana, we waited 45 minutes. It was open so yay!


It was a nice little bonus that we hadn't planned.

Next, we continued to the other princesses and princes. The parade was still going down Main Street, so we cut through the stores all the way to the front on the street. It was a good strategy - we beat the crowds and saved ourselves a seriously long wait! The sign said the wait was 50 minutes but we were in and out in 20.

The first royal couple we met at Town Square was Snow White and her Prince. (Tom asked The Prince his name. He said it was Ferdinand, but most people just call him The Prince.)


Luke decided to hide from Snow White for some reason.


At first she was upset.

Then they made up.


Snow White is just adorable!

Next, we met Cinderella and Prince Charming. I loved them! They were really lovey dovey - so cute, and authentic!



They both took a lot of time to talk to the kids. So sweet.


Our final couple was Rapunzel and Flynn Rider.


I have to say, Flynn Rider was THE BEST. He kind of stole the show from Rapunzel.

He saw us and said "Oh, pirates! Of the Neverland variety!" He also knew who Izzy was, which most of the characters did not (Jasmine pretty much insisted Scarlett was actually Boo.)

It was good times.


Tom totally bonded with Flynn. He said Flynn was like Han Solo. I think it was appreciated.


Meeting the Princes with the Princesses was so much fun. Totally made the MNSSHP admission price worth it!

That about wrapped it up. We left the park at about 11:45pm and getting back to our car wasn't too bad. Before we left, we got a great Halloween photo on Main Street.


I wish we could go 2 or 3 more times to do some of the things we missed. Guess we'll just have to go again next year!

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