
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Disney Movie Night Menu: Planes

Since we saw Planes early, we didn't get to have our movie night dinner until afterwards. That was helpful, though, since it gave me more of an idea of what to serve.

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Our Menu:
Chicken Wings
Dusty's Crops (Veggies)
Chug's Corn Muffins
El Chupacabra's Churros
Dotty's Jet Fuel (Iced Tea)

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I made the churros myself using this recipe from The Food Network. I was not sure if this was a good idea since I've never even eaten a churro, nevermind cooked one. But they actually came out pretty good! Tasted yummy and everything. The kids liked them and then liked dipping their carrots in the chocolate sauce. That's one way to get them to eat their vegetables!

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