
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Monsters University Movie Night Dinner

Even though we went out to the theater to see Monsters University, I still cooked up a Monsters U Themed dinner to go with it.


Most of the ideas for the food came from the Monsters University website's dining section.

Monsters University Menu:
Gross Beef Sandwiches (Cheeseburgers)
Onion Things (Onion Rings)
Whole Grain Flies (Wild Rice)
Hot Sludge Sundaes
Oozma Kappa Ooze (Juice)


Scarlett said the juice was "Monsters Drink like Monsters Inc!" which I though was better than what I came up with.



I hung up the Monsters U Campus Map on the wall for a (crooked) backdrop, but it was promptly taken down and studied by the kids.

I have to say, it was one of the yummier Disney dinners we have had so far!

The Mike Eye bottle labels are available for download here. Enjoy!

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