
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Kilimanjaro Safaris at Disney's Animal Kingdom

Our first stop at Animal Kingdom was Kilimanjaro Safaris. The animals are reportedly most active in the morning and we were in luck, arriving at the Harambe Wildlife Reserve at just 8:15am.

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Luke was super excited to be on a safari truck.

We saw animals right away.

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Nyala (I think)

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Nile Crocodile

The kids were fascinated. Luke chattered the whole time.

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The tour guide was looking for rhinos, but we never saw any. We did see lots of birds, though.

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Ostrich with Eggs

We also saw a warthog and some crazy cool gazelles!

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Look at that jump!

The coolest part, though, was the LIONS! They were lounging on some big rocks as we drove by.

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If that was the end of our day, it would have been worth it. It was that awesome.

But even awesomer was that it was ust the beginning of our day. Much more Animal Kingdom to come.

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